“Breathe better, live better!”
“Breathe better, live better!”
About Jean
Jean is a dedicated, enthusiastic and inspired Breath Work Facilitator.
For nearly half a century she tried to manage depression. Meditation, a dedicated daily yoga practice, intervals of medication, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness, creative expression, self-help, coaching ... then she stumbled upon conscious connected breathwork and it clicked. It made everything else work better.
It has led her on an accelerated journey through her psyche and her body. Revealing wounds and motivations developed a new and refreshed understanding of herself. The same but completely different.
“I am back in my body back in my life, with more joy, a spring in my step and song in my heart.”
She now shares her ever-growing knowledge and experience of the fantastic tool/technology/function/gift that breathwork is.
“I revel in Breathwork every day. Living it, loving it and learning it. I continue to be in awe of the practice especially as I work with more and more people and witness their joy, revelation and hope renewed by the grace of breath.”
Who would you be if you could be who you are?
Be inspired. Breath in life. Make your breath a priority and dare to meet yourself.
Thank you so much for yesterday! It was such a wonderful way to start the week and have the one-on-one direction from you.
I've already noticed that I'm feeling more grounded - not flying off the handle when the kids drive me nuts or my ex is unreasonable.
Today I'm feeling a little bit emotional but a high-vibe/very positive way in a good way so I'm going to try to take things easy. I'd definitely love to keep in touch and schedule another session with you and please please do let me know when you're up for sharing your amazing playlist.
Much love
Hi Jean,
Yesterday session was really powerful , I slept well last night and I woke up this morning feeling rested (this is unusual for me...most of the time I wake up tired even after 7-8 hours sleep). The day was positive day, however I find myself a bit emotional about my friend death, (memory were intense and came at unexpected time) I think that last night session was a cathartic process for me and all the upsetting and the guilt and shock, came back through the day....I suppose that is a clear sign that I didn’t got over it, there is a deep difference between keep going through the storm and been able to accept truly pain as it is,cruel,ruthless pheraps useful and somehow illuminating....I can still not figure out how this breathing technique can remove or unlock what I am holding on, but I am thinking to put some serious commitment into this because I feel I need to recenter myself and I feel that this can help to find the route...talking to you was as useful as the session itself, I felt able to open myself to you and I totally trusted you during the session, you was just perfect , gentle and kind and you allowed me to be myself... I am going to carry on with the 100 breaths a day and in a week time I would like to have another session.
Thank you very much.
Namaste Z
Thanks for that session today. I got to appreciate your presence more and more there beside me at a vulnerable time and I feel inspired to try that breathing method again and I ll see how it works out. I agree I have been finding the deep inbreath rather an unpleasant effort and will try to change that. I noticed that also with the wim hof method which I also got into at mbs.
Thanks again.
Thank you again for such a wonderful session. I left feeling quite energetic, but at the same time also quite light headed with a tiny a headache. Such a contradiction when I think about it all, but I literally felt all three of these things as I walked along the canal.
The rest of the day was just blissful for me, I remained outdoors for most of it and walked in the sunshine.
I had weird and wonderful dreams both on Monday night and last night - nothing that made any sense though. But it was great to wake up thinking "well that dream was just silly". I hardly ever remember my dreams, or remember that I did dream. So knowing that I definitely did two nights in a row is something.
woke up extremely exhausted on Tuesday morning - or at least it took me a while to be present. But once I was, I felt so rejuvenated.
I can't thank you enough for the 1 - 1 session. It was great to allow myself to breathe and release. The release definitely felt damn good. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Enjoy the sunshine.
Love and Light
Thanks for your text message – it’s always good to get a reminder to be good to myself!
I really valued the Breath session with you yesterday:
From the moment I walked in I felt welcomed and taken care of.
I enjoyed the talk we started with and appreciated your thoroughness.
My theme for the session was ‘Letting Go’ and I almost fell asleep in the session – I’d not managed to go so deep in the groups sessions.
Also today after spending a while ‘stuck’ in an aggravated pattern of thought, I just decided to drop the thoughts & have spent the rest of the afternoon, thinking & letting go of thoughts instead of getting stuck with one particular train. So in a way I’m now feeling clearer & freer & more relaxed within myself than yesterday. Most importantly I discovered more of the potential of breathwork,
So THANK YOU for yesterday!
Hi Jean,
Just a little more feedback:
Today, when I notice myself getting caught up in ‘agitated’ thoughts, I seem to be able to notice emotions behind them & without having to name the emotions, just ‘sit with' them for a moment. This seems to help my thoughts/focus to move on. I seem to be releasing emotions ‘bite by bite’.
Happy times
I think the biggest difference I’m noticing after the session on Saturday is I’m more aware of my emotions, all sorts of emotions.
And I seem to be feeling more compassionate towards myself & the emotions I’m feeling.
In particular I seem to be contemplating that I can learn from situations:
If I don’t get flooded by my emotions
I have the curiosity & observational skills to help me navigate possible ways through situations I might find challenging.
Thank you for you skilful & perceptive interventions.
Must mention – since the session, I sometimes find myself ‘feeling taller’, literally it feels as though my head is further off the ground!
Looking forward to seeing you next week,
I’ve been seeing how things settle & develop.
Yesterday I noticed when walking along that my shoulders (especially the right shoulder) seemed to be dropping back & down into a more ‘unburdened’ position, sort of leaving my body feeling more open to the world.
This morning I’m feeling stronger within myself, more deeply connected to within, more ready to ‘meet’ others as they are (rather than feeling ready to placate).
I’m also more ready to spring into action, snapping up the opportunities I see (a bit of street chatter & I’ve probably found a window cleaner, something that was looking pretty difficult last week).
Looking forward to seeing you this time & wishing you a lovely week,
Hi Jean,
I really seem to be connecting more joyfully with people – people seem grateful to have connected with me!!!!
Hi Jean,
Also, over the past 2 weeks I seem to have become able to notice aspects of my stepfather’s behaviour I don’t feel comfortable with, without being overwhelmed by my reactions. I notice what is, leaving me better able to determine how I respond, rather than reacting.
Joyous times,
After I left your place yesterday I noticed an old bomber plane flanked by two spitfires … and then another bomber … and then another again flanked by two teeny planes … and then the red arrows in ‘v’ formation – I watched with an innocent joy most people leave behind in their childhood.
Well it seems to me that that’s one thing that ‘bubbles’ back up every now & then since yesterday’s session.
On Saturday I was invited to neighbours’ for informal drinks & a chat. They’re wine drinkers & I’ve gone off wine so I took a bottle of low alcohol beer for me to drink. I thought the woman might feel surprised or put-out even, but I just thought that’s what I want, they won’t have it, so I’ll take it.
I didn’t get thrown out.
And I still have my voice! I think I now feel much more comfortable looking at what I need, rather than thinking I have to put the needs of others first – if that’s not a healthy step forward I don’t know what is.
Thank you for my new throat. See you next week.
Wishing you a wonderful week
I left feeling very delicate or gentle & wanting to treat myself gently & seeing that others treated me gently.
Walking along the Lea Navigation I stopped to watch a bunch of tied-up, pink lined canoes dancing on the water, floating from side to side making various patterns.
Today I’ve been feeling gentle & wanting gentleness again today, but I’ve also been feeing ‘settled’ within myself (some how that seems more than ‘centred’ to me). It seems like that’s something I want to see I maintain.
Strong times