Most of us know very well how to …

Use 10%percent of our brain, our lungs, our life our potential and tell ourselves this stressed out automated behavioural loops of repeated habitual living are the best that we can do. And we are working very hard to maintain that. Thank you very much.

We have our doctors, our therapists, our personal trainers our apps and watches. We are working every minute on improving ourselves and trying to change, save and protect this fragile crazy beautiful world what could possibly be the advantage of lying flat out on your back and breathing.

The benefits are immense. Numerous books have been written about it. Masses of research has been done and is being done on breath plus more and more opportunities to learn about breath are occurring. But nothing beats real experience and having a trained facilitator work with you and your breath.



On a very basic level - lying on your back and breathing will relax you and that is an immense step away from stress. Calming the nervous system, moving from fight/flight automated high adrenaline response pattern we are locked into. Learning this alone is so empowering. To take control of our mood and responses all the way down to our chemical level of what hormones we are releasing in our blood that are keeping us stuck in that reactive mode. It moves us from flight and fight to rest and digest allowing our bodies natural healing properties to time to work.


Oxygen rich blood is the key element needed by the body to create healthy cells. Healthy cellular regeneration is essential for good health: it has proven to be the antidote for many sicknesses. People generally use only a third of their respiratory system getting at a max only 25% of the air and oxygen needed for good health. 

Breathwork increases oxygen levels and breathing capacity by two to three times over a period of treatment. Better breathing could very well be the medical panacea you have been looking for to increase your energy and vitality.


The human body is designed to discharge 70% of Toxins through breathing. Only a small percentage of toxins leave the body through sweat, defecation and urination. If your breathing is operating at peak efficiency out are ridding yourself of toxins.

A study on the effects of diaphragmatic breathing on the lymphatic system using cameras inside the body showed that this type of breath  stimulated the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which sucked lymph through the bloodstream. This increased the rate of toxic elimination by as much as 15 x the normal rate.



When Albert Einstein’s brain was analysed it was found to contain more cells known as glial cells compared to your average brain. Glial cells are seen as an indicator that his brain was more vascular, had more blood flow there for more oxygenation. The greater the flow of blood to the brain the greater the oxygenation, the greater the neural networks the higher the intelligence. We can all increase our brains vascularity. 

Breathwork opens up and frees the breathing system of the body to increase oxygenation of the blood. Our brains are the most oxygen greedy organ so more oxygen in the body is more oxygen in the brain.


Working through the physical and emotional body allows us to relax and free the brain so we can form new neural pathways and tell new stories about and to ourselves by witnessing and releasing stored up memories, mental think loops, fears, grief and worry.

The activity of breath work is like a capsule of silence, stillness and solitude that you can drop into briefly, quickly and regularly. Establishing your connection with your centre and base. Opening to insight and inspiration and from here you can take the reins of your life and drive your chariot through your own destiny.


Our emotions are an annoying inconvenience to most of us. Only certain of them are acceptable and the effort to move towards these and suppress, ignore, avoid, sedate and generally just get the hell rid of the others has been our training and our life long mission.

Breathing is the bodies most basic communication system. Cells undergoing partial oxygen starvation send out tiny panic signals which are collectively felt in the body as a continuous vague sensation of uneasiness, dread or disaster. This low level generalised warning tends to be ignored as background or normal. People rarely suspect the vague feeling of helplessness, fatigue and uneasiness are symptoms of cellular deprivation.


Diaphragmatic breathing has many psychological benefits from reducing stress, relieving tension, creating states of mind equivalent with deep meditation and increasing creativity, resourcefulness and emotional healing and intelligence.

emotional intelligence

Breath Work invites you to experience and integrate emotions. To find a different way of embodying and working with your emotions so you have a deeper understanding of yourself an increased awareness of the physical aspect of your emotions and a way of working with them not against them. Breath Work gives you the opportunity to train yourself in this ability to feel and then choose your action. Stepping past reaction contributing to your emotional intelligence and improving your life.

increased capacity for joy and love

When you suppress your emotions you also suppress your ability to experience the pleasant emotions like joy, compassion, love and peace and Breath Work will help you to reverse this. Who doesn’t want to increase their capacity for joy.

TRANSPERSONAL Benefit: CONNECTION to higher states

Then comes the magic of breath work. Stepping out of yourself and your own little world after all what do you control - as they say did you cause the sun to rise this morning. Breath Work is the most dynamic method to enable a felt experience of the wander of our reality. A connection with deeper, wiser, subtler states of ourselves. Our connection to our individual place in our universe and the collective.

Breath Work Group & Individual Sessions